Biting midges are similar to mosquitoes, they are both biting flies, they simply belong to different families. Thankfully Smidge also works on mosquitoes!
Smidge is your powerful secret weapon against both midges and mosquitoes. It is scientifically proven to provide up to 8 hours of protection against a wide range of biting pests including biting midges, mosquitoes, black flies, sand flies, fleas and ticks.
Smidge gives protection against mosquitoes too!

Get ready for your next adventure. SMIDGE UP and get out there!
- Live in warmer tropical or sub-tropical climates
- Females need a blood meal.
- Prefer humans.
- Lay their eggs in water.
- Inject their mouthparts painlessly into their victim and feed from a blood capillary.
- Live in cooler, temperate climates.
- Females need a blood meal.
- Feed mainly on animals.
- Lay their eggs on soil or mud.
- Cut a hole in the skin using scissor type mouthparts to create a pool of blood from which to feed.