Midge Season 2022 and New Smidge Animation!
Firstly, welcome to our brand new website! We hope this update makes Smidge more informative, the midge forecast clearer and the shop easier to navigate. We will be continuing to update it going forward.

2022 Midge Season
In other news… the 2022 midge season is upon us! We’ve not just heard reports of midges appearing in their millions, but experienced them ourselves this weekend at the Mountain Bike World Cup in Fort William. The wet weather we are experiencing now, along with mild temperatures and summer approaching will be a perfect mix for midges to start peaking in June as expected.

Mountain Bike World Cup 2022
After a 2 year pause on events, Smidge finally appeared at the Mountain Bike World Cup in Fort William. Our first event in some time. The weather wasn’t kind to us and it was a very wet weekend, but the midges were out and about in the dry spells and Smidge sure came in handy! Hopefully this is the start of Smidge appearing at more outdoor events and meeting our fantastic customers!
New Smidge Animation
We have been working hard over the past few months not only to update the website but create more informative content about Smidge. We are delighted to finally show off our Smidge animation! This will appear on the home page but you can view it here too… we hope you like it!