Midge Forecast 2021

It’s official, the midges are back! With that news, we have now launched the Midge Forecast for the 2021 season. We are starting to hear reports of midges coming out in decent numbers around the country. We would normally expect the first big bump in numbers around 3-4 weeks from now, around the beginning to middle of June.
The weather has been quite wet and windy over the past few weeks, which will encourage adult survival and keep them mostly at bay for just a little longer. If the weather takes a turn and summer finally arrives, then the midges will emerge in their masses!
In other news, we have still got some stock of our new SkeeterVac midge traps. Our previous batch sold in no time! So be quick if you are after the ultimate midge busting machine.
We are still on the hunt for midge trappers that are willing to send us their catch data. Preferably you would have a midge trap (Predator, Mosquito Magnet or similar). Please get in touch (jhutchison@apsbiocontrol.com) and thank you to those that already have!