Midge Season Update – May 2020
The 2020 midge season is well under way and the midge forecast is live! We are receiving lots of reports of midges being out in high numbers across the whole of Scotland. This, combined with the weather conditions, leads us to believe we are likely 1 or 2 weeks into the first-generation peak! Which means the next peak is 4-5 weeks away… keep your Smidge handy!
We had very dry weather in May. Our weather station reported a high of 23.6C in May (the warmest day on our weather station record) and an average May temperature of 10.2C with practically no rain. Day time temperature averaged at 18C. These warm and dry conditions may have reduced a fully successful emergence of midges but with the weather worsening and it being a bit wetter and cooler, this will encourage adult midge survival and numbers will only increase from here on.
We are still on the hunt for midge trappers that are willing to send us their catch data. Preferably you would have a midge trap (Predator, Mosquito Magnet or similar). Please get in touch (jhutchison@apsbiocontrol.com) and thank you to those that already have!
Just a reminder that 10% of all our June sales are going to Maggie’s Charity Dundee!